Speaking of habits, unbelievably on Monday I raced out the door without my patch on. I had recently stepped down to a lower dose patch and was feeling OK about this development when halfway through my day I had a strong urge followed by a habitual pat. Pat my left arm , pat my right arm, pat my left leg, my right leg....... shit! I forget to put it on. I managed to get one and put it on half way through the day which got me through the early evening, the roughest part of my day in terms of triggers and cravings. Tuesday I thought I might try again to see how long I could go without wearing a patch. Straight though the day. Not bad. Wednesday and Thursday I bit the bullet and just stopped wearing one. Thursday felt..... not half bad.
I'm having some interesting little side effects. Yes I've gained some weight and I'm sleeping like a rock at night but during the day how do I put this delicately.... I'm a bit windy. Well hopefully this will pass too, onward and upward.
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