I wake up on Saturday and realized I needed inspiration. I find it in a funny little place, an Internet site called Bliss tree. I think it's Canadian, it has a little health section which posts the classic list of what happens to your body after you quit smoking. For some odd reason there is a comment section that has taken on a life of its own with almost 3000 comments. It has became a support group for people. You can find just about anybody in any situation, gender or age group up to 24 months into their quit. Everyone is talking, processing, supporting and relating how their feeling. I bookmark it as a favorite under
inspirational stories to help me not smoke. It's just what I need right now. It's Saturday and that means I work in the morning and head to Cape Cod for the rest of the weekend. Its a beautiful weekend. I pick up a friend and we drive down together. I have a great time, its a fantastic party. There are quite a few people but those that know me know I have quit and are very supportive. I have a really fantastic conversation with someone who quit and actually does know something about possible after efects in health after quiting. Their brother in law is a physician in research at Johns Hopkins in just that area.! What are the odds? Amazing! All I'm going to say is your good to go. I don't care if your 85 years old, its all good news, just quit! I have planned this day out in my cessation group and have a plan if things get intense. I actually go for quite a few walks with my lovely canine princess, I drink lots of water and when I have had enough I go to bed. SUCCESS!! I do not smoke, I have a great time AND all my vegan cupcakes got eaten.
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