Saturday, July 11, 2009

June 14th - 17th

This would probably be a good time to tell you a little about me. I am a therapist and a yoga teacher. I prefer a more natural existence and feel better when I eat whole foods and few meats. When I am in prolonged periods of vegan and vegetarianism I would smoke very, very little to nothing at all. Heavier periods of smoking coincided with meat eating and one particular very bad event which took four years for me to emotionally recover from resulted in regular heavy smoking. I decided to quit smoking a month after deciding to go back to a vegetarian lifestyle and realized I was on to something. This is totally about my body and how it responds to what's out there in the world. I truly believe that each body is different and everyone has different needs. My body just happens to need less meat and more vegetables. Smoking and teaching yoga do not go hand in hand and since becoming a yoga teacher I have felt like a hypocrite teaching people to become in touch with their feelings and their body and encouraging them to abandon modes of thinking and doing which do not serve them and then sneaking a cigarette when no one was looking. In the past ten days I have noticed I wake up in the morning with more energy, I take deeper breaths throughout the day and I have more breath and deeper breath available during my yoga practice . Since so much of yoga is about breath I am noticing the difference immediately. It feels good.
July 17th entry in a year of living your yoga:
It is a miracle that every day all my cells agree to be me for one more day.
Today when you lie down to practice Savasana ( basic relaxation pose), begin by thanking your whole body for supporting your consciousness.

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