Well I'm moving along in my journey as a non smoker. I jogged two miles yesterday which definitely caused a little inner celebration, I'm hoping to make it three miles by December first. I've gained five pounds and as you can see from this little post I am most enamored by eating and food these days. I'm not too worried. This little phase of eating and gaining weight ( for a variety of reasons I'll get into at another post) usually comes in and leaves between 4-8 weeks into someones quit. The usual weight gain is 7 pounds and most people loose the entire weight gain in the first three to six months. I have heard tales and some people speak of gaining enormous amounts of weight, never loosing it and are still gaining weight years after they quit or have been dieting to loose the extra weight years later and still can't. I know, I know....... these are the same people who tell you about constant cravings and triggers that never go away. Queens who need let someone else wear the tiara for a while.
It all good here. I'm moving, I'm breathing and I'm beginning to love life a more than before.
Peace and love baby!