I have been home not feeling well at all. Actually I have not been this sick in years. I went to the doctor to get checked out and get medication if I needed it. I did and was officially dubbed down for the count. He sent me packing with a script, a note for work and a suggestion to stay in bed. I asked him if this was related at all to the fact I quit smoking. He said it wasn't I was just sick and that it took a couple of years for the affects of smoking to clear out of the body. ( not really sure what that meant and not interested in anything but bed so I didn't ask) I was in no mood to talk ( having lost my voice). Getting sick, really sick, seems to be something a lot of people go through when they first quit smoking. Rebecca Traister wrote about her numerous trails and tribulations in the first six month of her quit. You can look back to my July 15,20o9 blog to find her article written in Salon.com. In the meantime I'm going back to bed, and just want to sip hot herbal tea with honey and sleep. I am feeling better and suspect I'll be well on my way and on the mend in a few more days.