Still here. Unpacking, working, and going to school. Just trying to keep it together, get my possessions unpacked and in order and keep my deadlines for work and school. I had a few strong urges when we first moved in. I recognized the urges were actually feelings of being overwhelmed by the move and everything to do with the move and life obligations. I told myself it was OK and I could take all the breaks I wanted. I could unpack everything or none of it, and I could spend the next 60 years in boxes if I wanted, it was all OK. I felt much better after that and I haven't had any urges since. These past days I have forgotten about smoking completely. This is a great sign and means smoking will begin to really fade off to a place where forgotten things go. In the meantime my focus is on getting my house unpacked and in some kind of organization.
Peace and love everyone!