Thursday, October 7, 2010

As I wrote about briefly, this past weekend was really horrible with one negative incident after another trying to sucker punch me and knock down my reserve. I managed to collect myself and not fall victim to all the nasty stuff flying in my direction. We had a good sit down talk in our house and made some decisions which we immediately put into action. With some surprise at the speed it presented itself we found the perfect home, in the perfect location. We made an offer, it was excepted and I came home with a stack of boxes and a to do list a mile long because we are permanently moving from this neighborhood, this town and this area! As I said in an earlier post If I were still smoking I might have just holed away and sucked down my feelings. That was then, this is now. Speaking of which, I have forgot to put the NR patch on yesterday. I often rub the patch when it on my arm and that's how I noticed I had forgotten. I didn't experience any cravings or urges so I didn't bother to put one on once I had remembered. I'm not going to risk it though, I'm sticking with the plan and keeping the patch on this month and next. I am paving the way toward a solid transition.
Wishing everyone a strong beautiful day.