Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Moving forward
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday Morning
Fabulous wedding. It was beautiful, well done, heart felt and just a real joy all the way around. Yesterday morning was quite difficult, but not for reasons related to smoking or not smoking or feelings about quitting. At the wedding I had one small urge in the evening which practically passed before it came, and that was it.
I want to talk a little about urges and nicotine. From a holistic point of view it is my understanding that when we quit smoking nicotine cigarettes the addictive substance and other additives begins to exit our body. chemicals leave the body in many ways such as through perspiration and urine. After a period of time which is actually significantly more than 72 hours the vast majority of the nicotine and chemicals are gone but a very small amount of the substance can take years to completely clean out of the system. This is why an ex smoker of many years will suddenly have a craving out of no where. The system will have finally dislodged something and is sending it on its way. The craving occurs while whatever is in there is leaving the body. During my yoga teacher training my teacher talked about people who did a lot of praynama (breath work) smelling tobacco occasionally when they were doing breath exercises. This would be ten years after they quit smoking. Things were still being expelled ( hich is great!) When this happens there's a small urge which comes and goes.
I've noticed some people get very dramatic about cravings and urges, claiming they never go away and its a battle you live with every minute of every day or something to that fact. That's rather sensational and completely untrue but some people must be the drama queen no matter the situation or how appropriate or even if they only have the tiniest idea of what their talking about.
Happy Sunday, remember to breath and be well......
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Blues

Friday, September 24, 2010
Good night and sweet dreams!
Day 19 and by the evening I'm just exhausted. Ironically, I'm less fatigued throughout my day and I wake up with more energy, but by evening I am DONE. Now for the good, the bad and the ugly. The good is my stamina increases every time I go for a jog which is intense positive reinforcement. Also it helps keep the weight down and prevents saggy, flabby big bottom syndrome, so thank you, I'll take it. The bad is feeling a little melancholy throughout the day, every day. Feeling low doesn't make me want to smoke, but its a primary contributor to my exhaustion at the end of the day. Loooots of changes in the body, looooots of hormones in flux right now. I just need to be a little patient and do a bit more yoga to even the system out. Make a little plan to help me through and stick to it, that's what I need to arrange for myself at the moment. The ugly are the return of canker sores This is not uncommon for A, people who have recently quit smoking or B, people under a lot of stress or C, people who have quit smoking who feel stressed out. I'm listening to my body and its telling me to look in the vitamin cabinet for B12 and if there isn't any in there this would be a fabulous time to go buy some. So there you have it, my grand plan for personal health and just getting through right now; keep jogging, increase the yoga and take B12 vitamins.
ps. Only have urges for a few hours in the evening. They come and go, I mean I'd like to kick their sorry ass right out of this house permanently, but eventually they will understand there unwanted and leave of there on accord!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Completely stressed out day yesterday. By the time I got home I was completely fried eggs. I had a few urges and was feeling sorry for myself as well. The urges were easy to ride over and move beyond as my real longing was to climb in bed and pull the sheets over my head and hide away from the world. I spent some time really thinking about my life, goals and what's particularly meaningful to me at this juncture. I came to some real resolutions and felt a rush of relief before I slipped off to sleep. This morning my throat feels a bit rough and I have a canker sore in my mouth. This is a sure sign I have been really stressed out but I think perhaps my body is in the process of cleaning out as well which can be a bit unpleasant. At this point its about handling the emotional which is equally difficult and takes longer to deal with than the physical. OK then, one more day down
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Peace Day
Woke up feeling good today. Last night I dreamed I was surfing with an old friend from college. Gliding along in the water felt like heaven but swimming out in the ocean was rather difficult. I needed to stay on my board, stick with the planned activity. This seems a good metaphor for my life right now. Have a plan and stick to it and things should go a lot easier. The plan is to stay with the nicotine patches for a while. Last time I found I could easily manage without them and stopped wearing them early on. For me the patches are a barrier or a wall of protection in my moments of weakness. I think for me its best I keep wearing one at a low dose for 90 days. I've noticed in reading other peoples blogs that people start to feel a bit better in their efforts about this point. Good days follow bad days which follow mediocre ones and the cycle continues with more good days than bad ones. I think this is a good sign because that means there's breaks in the struggle. Those breaks will become longer and longer with fewer and fewer points of struggle. That's the plan! In the meantime happy Peace Day everyone :)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Keep at It
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Hello again
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