Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Get Cooking
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Starting a new chapter
Monday, November 8, 2010
Home sick
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Getting Organized
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
One more day
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Packing and Moving
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Feeling Pretty Darn Good
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Continuing on
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Saturday, October 16, 2010
Does this bowl of pasta make my butt look big?
As I heaved myself up and heavily placed my feet down on the scale, with a gasp and a groan it lurched forward. What I saw when I looked down was no surprise, extra large whole wheat pizza pies, bowls of fresh pasta, big sandwiches and large plates of great tasting food, floated past the bathroom scale and out the door. What's left is seven pounds for me to have and handle anyway I like! Initial weight gain is not uncommon "Cigarettes activate your metabolism," says Cynthia Purcell, MS, a nutritionist and smoking cessation therapist in the smoking cessation program at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. "You burn about 250 calories if you smoke a pack a day. So when you quit and your metabolism slows down, your body has these extra calories it has to deal with, and many people gain weight." On average, most people only gain between 5-10 pounds sometime in the first four to eight weeks after quitting. Some people gain more, some less and one person I knew lost weight, but a seven pound weight gain is the average and weight gain usually stops after eight weeks if not before.
As I'm in the end phase of what will round out that crucial eight week period I feel it's time for me to be a bit more reflective and considerate of what I am putting in my body. I no longer have urges during the day and the ones I have in the evening grow fainter and smaller. Natural holistic food is very important and essential in my life. Our kitchen is organic, local and mostly seasonal. I cook vegetables procured from local farmers, use free range eggs, fish are the local catch from the docks and I do not seek daily meals outside my kitchen. This is a major aspect of my personal lifestyle so I can say with certainly not only will I loose this weight but will continue to eat holistically and feel good about the darn thing! This is not a fade for me, I grew up eating organically and the benefits cannot be underestimated. That said I have planned out a schedule for myself for the next two weeks to get me eating in a less expansive manner. I have continued jogging and I'm up to two miles now which is a real kick in the pants for me. My yoga practice is a different matter entirely. I am evolving beyond my current style into other areas which is an exciting change but limiting right now with everything else going on. I can only focus on so much at once, so for now I'm concentrating on the classes I'm teaching with only a small practice on the side. That will change, but for now its what I can do and I'm with it.
Last, I want to briefly remind people who are on this journey to watch out for drama queens with their crooked little Tiara's wobbling on their tiny little heads. They will tell you about gaining immense amount of weight over long periods of time. The weight never comes off and you will be fat, fat, fat! It goes along with urges that never end, and countless other hysterical statements. Weight gain is a temporary side effects when you quit smoking as your metabolism readjusts to life without nicotine. That's it that's the extent of it.
Happiness and good health to everyone!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Life... A Sweet Treat

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Boxes and Bags and Big Hugs!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I'm feeling pretty good today, hopeful, happy and excited for life. I'm over the thirty day hump and looking forward to the next month. We are looking at houses over the next few days and I have some big appointments in the coming weeks. It is my hope we find a place quickly which will really set everything in motion. Yesterday I was exhausted. I think the weekend really took it all out of me as it continued to fall apart right till the end. Half way through yesterday I lost all energy, felt dizzy and somewhat achy. I went home, went to bed and basically got up today and feel much better. I will take some extra vitamin C though to be on the safe side. I have fewer and fewer urges and the ones I have grow weaker each day. The stressful weekend brought increased urges which were stronger but nothing I couldn't handle. My chest feels a little gunky in the morning these days but I figure it will for a while as my system is cleaning out. I feel OK, hopeful, stronger, better.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Strange Silver Lining
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Just do it!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Drifting along
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Moving forward
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday Morning
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Blues